Javier Iparraguire : “How can they create a real object illuminated artificially?”

Ans: The basis images that they get out of the artificial illumination using light patterns and binary projection patterns(from a high speed projector), help them to recover the 3D geometry by approximating the position of pixels. So, that object can be simulated to be in any natural lighting condition by manipulation of these images in whichever way that seems appropriate.

Andrea Vaccari : “It has been already partially discussed in class: it would be very
interesting to use the sampled data to infer the illumination properties of a new scene. Do you think it would be possible to adopt a new approach which still uses the same sampling system described in the paper but which uses it to calculate the lighting properties of the objects. In other words, it would sample the surface and calculate the properties of interest for each of the sampled units. This would allow to generate dynamically the illumination simulation for a model even in a new scene.”

Ans: I think you are talking about the spatial variation paper. In that they use a customized high speed projector to sample just pixel positions. Sampling the illumination in space on the other hand, is what they talk about in the future work section where they are looking for a method to sample how light behaves at each point in the infinitesimal space within the light sphere.

Vishu : Other than film-making can this technique be used in scientific research (rock sampling etc.)?

Ans: Yes, they talk about using this technique for examination of archaeological artifacts. So, I’m sure it is possible.
